The C. G. Jung Society of Colorado Springs is a membership-supported organization open to all those interested in exploring the analytical psychology of Carl Jung and the application of his many-faceted thought to other fields of study such as mythology, symbolism, typology, men’s and women’s studies, art and literature, religious studies, anthropology, the psyche-matter spectrum, archetypal imagery, personal relationships, group dynamics, and so forth. Although not intended to be a vehicle for group therapy, the Society endeavors to provide a supportive atmosphere for lay and professional study, reflection and growth.
The Society provides lectures and workshops on various topics related to Jungian psychology approximately eight times per year. Persons who are educated or experienced in Jungian psychology give the presentations.
Board of Directors, Colorado Springs Jung Society:
President: Alan Drymala Vice-President: Christine Chapman
Treasurer: Alan Drymala Secretary: Marilyn Tiernan
Program Chair: Christine Chapman Communications: Sasha Elmore
Membership and Publicity Chair: Omid Dastan Harrison
SEASON MEMBERSHIP: $20 for Fall through Winter-Spring Season
Membership entitles you to:
1. A member newsletter describing each event for our fall-through-spring season.
2. A reduced entry fee at each of our seven or eight events per season.
3. Stimulating events, making the ideas of Carl G. Jung more accessible.
4. The opportunity to discuss Jung’s ideas with others similarly interested.
You may join by mail or at any scheduled event. We look forward to seeing you this coming year.
NAME: _____________________________________________________
STREET: ____________________________________ APT: _______________
CITY: ___________________________ STATE: ____________ ZIP: ____________
EMAIL: ______________________________PHONE: ( ) ________________
Volunteering: Please check here if you are interested in volunteering for events: ______
Make checks payable and send to:
C. G. Jung Society of Colorado Springs
P. O. Box 2277
Colorado Springs CO 80901-2277