

Jung Society Newsletter Spring 2025, Volume 38, Issue 2


  Thursday, February 13th, 2025   

7:00pm – 9:00pm

 A Conversation about C.G. Jung and His Work with Marie-Louise Von Franz: Film and Discussion

Facilitated by Alan Drymala, Diplomate Jungian Analyst

                  Roundtable Discussion: Saturday, February 15th, 2025, 10:00am – 12:00noon

Zoom Link

The link below is the Recurring Zoom Link for our Fall 2024 – Spring 2025 Season

Zoom Link Click Here

Meeting ID: 873 9459 4094
Passcode: Jungster

We have decided to resume our collection of Membership dues and also the fee for each presentation, and we trust that you will be as supportive as you are able.
However, we will still send out the Zoom link to everyone on our list for the presentations and hope that you can join in. Your presence is the most important thing.
A special thanks to all those who contributed this past year and we appreciate your support as we go into the new season.
You can send a payment using the form on your newsletter or you can submit a payment or donation electronically using the button down below.
SEASON MEMBERSHIP: $20 FOR Fall 2024 – Spring 2025
Lectures: $10.00 Members, $15.00 Non-Members; Students Free

Statement of Purpose

The C. G. Jung Society of Colorado Springs is a membership-supported organization open to all those interested in exploring the analytical psychology of Carl Jung and the application of his many-faceted thought to other fields of study such as mythology, symbolism, typology, men’s and women’s studies, art and literature, religious studies, anthropology, the psyche-matter spectrum, archetypal imagery, personal relationships, group dynamics, and so forth. Although not intended to be a vehicle for group therapy, the Society endeavors to provide a supportive atmosphere for lay and professional study, reflection and growth.

Activities of the Society

The Society provides lectures and workshops on various topics related to Jungian psychology approximately eight times per year. Persons who are educated or experienced in Jungian psychology give the presentations.


Greetings from the Board as we continue 2025!  We wish you all a good year, even as the coming months will present grave challenges to our collective and individual psyches. Jung’s prescient essay, “The Undiscovered Self,” is well worth re-reading and pondering at this moment in time as we deal with the powerful collective forces here and around the world.  His prescription in the face of pervasive collective influences is to find and maintain one’s own individual standpoint and relationship to the Self.

Our monthly presentations this Spring will continue on Zoom, as attendees for our sessions join in from various locales. But we would like to encourage you to join our in-person Roundtable meetings on the Saturdays following each of the monthly meetings. These have already proven to be a most meaningful experience for those who attend.

And we want to gather in person at some point, perhaps a summer event and certainly a Christmas in-person gathering so that we can have that community experience together again.  We welcome your ideas and assistance on this! Finally, the recurring Zoom link for all our session is posted on our website, www.csjung.org, and the link will also be emailed out the day prior to each session.  You can also use the PayPal link on our website to send in dues or presentation fees.  Thank you all for your support in furthering Jungian wisdom and community!